Desert Plants and Landscapes

Desert Plants and Landscapes

Low-No Maintenance

These are the least thirsty of all plants.

Water while becoming established every 2-3 weeks for a year or two.

Once established, supplemental watering is not required, but plants will perform better with once a month deep watering.

Click on the botanical names below for more information!
Banana Yucca
Button Cactus
Fishhook Cactus
Century Plant
Cholla (Cane Cholla)
Christmas Cholla Cactus
Graham’s Nipple Cactus
Hedgehog, Brownspined Cactus
Hedgehog, Scarlet Cactus
New Mexico Agave (Mescal)
New Mexico Spinystar
Nipple Bee Hive Cactus
Prickly Pear, Engelmann’s
Pricky Pear, Purple
Rainbow Cactus
Texas Rainbow Cactus
Yellow-Flowered “Red” Yucca
Sacramento Mt. Foxtail
Sacahuiste, Beargrass
Soap Tree Yucca
Hedgehog, Strawberry
Texas Beargrass
Torrey Yucca